After a long Christmas and New Year break, Serve the City’s project Tour the City was back to business at the beginning of January.

On 10 January, the first tour of the year brought a group of residents of Direct Provision Accommodation Centers to the Natural History Museum, commonly known as the Dead Zoo.

Inside, the group was met by the Museum’s tour guide. The group learnt about the prehistoric animals that lived on the territory of Ireland, but also about diverse Irish fauna of today.

There were many questions asked, and for some participants, it was the fist time to see some of the species that live in Ireland. There were some kids in the group and they just had a great fun !

It was the first time since its inception, that the project attracted a good number of local volunteers that want to help in integration of refugees and asylum seekers.

If you’d like to find out more or perhaps even to volunteer, please fill in our  STC Volunteer Application Form and email and we will get back to you swiftly.


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